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Market Insights: Wholesale Prices Experienced a Downturn According to Black Book

Overall Market and Segment Trends

According to Black Book Market Insights, wholesale prices continued to decline in the overall market, with only a few segments showing small increases. The trend for 2- to 8-year-old vehicles reflected this decline with a -0.13% decrease last week. Similarly, 0- to 2-year-old vehicles declined by -0.12%, while 8- to 16-year-old models saw a decline of -0.17%.

Car Segments Update

Volume-weighted, the overall Car segment experienced a decrease of -0.16% last week, compared to a decrease of -0.15% the previous week. Only two out of the nine Car segments showed increases, albeit minimal, with Compact Car increasing by +0.03% and Sporty Cars gaining +0.01%. Sub-Compact Car reported the largest decline at -0.47%, the biggest drop since the second week of February. Although Sporty Cars continued to increase, the rate of gain was the lowest since early January of this year.

Truck Segments Update

In the Truck segment, the overall volume-weighted decline was -0.12%, compared to the previous week's decrease of -0.16%. Ten out of the thirteen Truck segments reported decreases. Full-Size Crossover (+0.29%), Minivan (+0.13%), and Full-Size Pickup (+0.09%) were the only segments to report gains last week. Compact Vans (-0.46%) and Compact Crossover (-0.43%) experienced the largest declines. Notably, Small Pickup declined for the first time in fourteen weeks.

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Find out how the overall market is changing and impacting wholesale prices with this report from Black Book Market Insights. Get all the latest trends for 2- to 8-, 0- to 2-, and 8- to 16-year-old models here.