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Built on Real Law Experience

If you want your car dealership to be protected, you need the help of people experienced in protecting car dealerships.

DealerXT was created by dealership defense lawyers with direct courtroom/jury trial experience in Consumer Legal Remedies Act, ASFA, Lemon Law, and other laws regulating the car sales industry. 

Knowing how to protect your auto dealership from litigation can be tricky. But we have the experience to help keep you, your employees, and your business safe.

It’s also suited for dealerships of any size. Whether you sell less than 10 cars per month, or hundreds of cars per month, DealerXT’s  Famous Blue Tablet is designed to accommodate your internal sales and F&I process.

From large new car dealerships to smaller-sized independent dealers, and from California to Utah, we have processed tens of thousands of vehicle disclosure transactions and continue to do so on a daily basis.

With DealerXT, you can rest easy knowing you have protection.

“I feel confident knowing that DealerXT was created by lawyers with years of experience representing dealerships.”

-Sam, Sacramento Dealer

The Famous Blue Tablet

Our Famous Blue Tablet’s step-by-step process makes your staff follow the same proven process from start to finish, no matter what their experience level.

With a variety of litigation protection measures built right into the tablet’s processes (including up-to-date disclosures, license scanning, FraudCam technology during signing, and more), this tablet takes the guesswork out of keeping your dealership protected.

Plus, our advanced disclosure system also allows you to make disclosures remotely for customers who are in a different state or county, expanding your customer base and helping you scale your business.

Every consumer lawsuit on average costs about $101,000. But with DealerXT’s pricing as low as $99* per month, even if you prevent just one lawsuit in 8 years, the system more than  pays for itself.

It’s also worth remembering that with every lawsuit, there is a risk that your bond company will drop you and put you out of business permanently.

See DealerXT’s Products & Pricing Now

The DealerXT Community & Benefits

In addition to its software, the DealerXT Community provides dealers a place to connect with each other and discover relevant news, interact with each other, and gain access to petitions, resources, and group negotiations.

The only way dealers will be able to survive against big interest online dealers is if they work together as a group.

“There’s power in numbers. The only way dealers can survive the rising number of lawsuits is by working together. DealerXT gives dealers the platform to team up.”

-Ali Rakhshanifar, Esq., DealerXT Co-Founder

The DealerXT Community provides a platform to warn dealers of industry trends and immediate threats to their business, such as fake foreign passports. 

It also provides a space for coordinating activities such as petitions to the Governor and helpful hints about common questions. By joining DealerXT you can have your voice be heard.

As an added benefit of subscribing to DealerXT, you are also eligible to apply to Auto Legal Group, LLP: a law firm that only represents auto dealers at a fraction of what lawyers normally charge. Please contact Auto Legal Group at for details.

Don’t Wait Until It’s “Too Late”

DealerXT is the only company that provides a comprehensive lawsuit prevention package for car dealers.

“Similar to developing a vaccine, we study plaintiff’s lawyers from across the state to learn their strategies and how they generate claims against Dealers. We then incorporate proper legal language and strategies into the DealerXT Blue Tablet so that all dealers are protected from false claims.”

Ali Kamarei, Esq., DealerXT Co-Founder

The Famous Blue Tablet provides your car dealership with the most current disclosures based on current cases.

Our DXT Tablets are automatically updated as soon as we learn of a new plaintiff strategy or argument. This way, your disclosure forms are always up to date. It’s like having your own lawyer constantly watch what the plaintiff’s lawyers are doing.

The Famous Blue Tablet also creates evidence of proper disclosures at the time of sale. That means that unscrupulous customers and plaintiff’s lawyers can’t successfully claim that the paper evidence was tampered with.

The DXT Tablet also allows you to make proper and standardized disclosures to customers in an acceptable and professional manner.

This, of course, builds your client’s confidence that you are being upfront with them, reducing the chances of your dealership getting sued.

On top of that, everything is completely automated.

No more spending all that time making copies or printouts of anything.

Instead, customers receive everything by email, automatically and immediately.

No need for you to make copies for your deal jacket either. Your records are electronically kept and at your fingertips 24-7.

And finally, with pricing as low as $99 per month, protecting your car dealership has never made more financial sense.

“Incredibly affordable.”

Mo, Sacramento Dealer

Here are just a few more ways DealerXT makes protecting your auto dealership easier than ever.

  • Easy sign-up and user friendly. All instructions are right on the Famous Blue Tablet, so you and your team don’t need an owners manual.
  • Customizable company policy for consumer lawsuits ($15,000 + value)
  • Over 70 fun training videos for you and your staff. Includes state regulations (CLRA, ASFA, advertising, red flags, and more)

See DealerXT’s Products & Pricing Now

Praised by Financial Institutions, IADAC, & Dealers, DealerXT Is the Only Software of Its Kind.

In fact, DealerXT is proud to have several IADAC board members subscribe to our community and services.

Decades of Legal Experience, Trusted by Small and Large Dealers From California to Utah

DealerXT was created by lawyers with years of experience against well-known plaintiff’s lawyers, not just in negotiations, but also in trials and in courtrooms.

We know auto dealership litigation. Because we handle auto dealership litigation.

And no matter your car dealership’s size, we can help keep you protected.

Our smallest dealers sell less than 10 cars per month, and our largest dealers sell several thousand cars per month. 

The DXT Tablet is designed to accommodate your internal sales and F&I process.

We also keep you informed on news about actual lawsuits and claims so that you’re aware of what’s trending in the industry.

Don’t Risk Your Bond Company Dropping You & Putting You Out of Business

So if you want to keep your car dealership protected, have a look at our products and pricing by clicking below now.

See DealerXT’s Products & Pricing Now

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